“What… what the heck?! How is she so good already?!” Emily shouted as she struggled to remain upright while Abigail already skated around the rink with seemingly little effort.

Everybody else was shocked, too. Even Kris and Lucy, who both had prior experience with skating, were nothing compared to Abigail with her graceful movements.

“Maybe she’s a reincarnated skating goddess or something,” Kris said.

Emily sighed and replied, “I don’t think skating is old enough for there to be a reincarnated goddess of it already. Trust me, I’d be using that as an excuse to explain our skill difference if that was the case.”

“Hmm. If skating is too new for there to be a goddess reincarnation already… then maybe she’s the birth of a skating goddess?”

“I guess that might explain it. But… why not me?! Why don’t I get to be the skating goddess?!”

“I… think I know the issue,” Anastasia spoke up.


“Emily… please, try skating over to the other wall.”

Emily, with a determined expression on her face, did her best to roll on over to the opposing side of the rink.

As everybody else watched her, it became abundantly clear what the issue was.

Lucy looked down at her own chest and placed her hands over it. “Thank you for being so modest.”

Rachel and Iris nodded along with Lucy’s words.

As for Anastasia, she said, “We will have to order her some custom sports bras.”

Emily was already a very clumsy person, more often than not due to the sheer size of her breasts throwing off her balance or getting in the way of things.

Trying to skate only made the issue even worse as they made it far more difficult for her to balance, resulting in her losing balance and falling over, and over, and over again.

“I think I’ll go rent some knee pads for her. I probably should have gotten some for everybody,” Kris said. Though, to be fair, it was only really Emily who needed them. The rest of the newcomers stopped falling over after the first few falls.

“Having two extra gravity wells really messes with things, doesn’t it?” Lucy asked before looking up at Anastasia and her chest. Anastasia was rather stacked as well in that regard, but she had the height to go with it. Emily was even more stacked and far shorter together. “Balance is key, I guess.”

“It would be fun to be more unbalanced, don’t you think?” Anastasia asked Lucy.

“Why would it be fun to trip all the time?”

Anastasia pointed back over to where Emily was as she sat on the floor of the rank with a pout on her face.

Kris was also there, already having gone to rent some knee pads for her, and he was kneeling down in front of her putting them on for her.

Lucy looked down at her own chest and placed her hands over it. “Curse you for being so modest.”

“There, there,” Anastasia said. “I have an idea, though it may be manipulative.”


“Pretend that you forget how to skate and purposely trip.”

“That sounds painful. And we shouldn’t take advantage of how trusting he is.”

“But if we don’t, who will?”

“… that’s a good point. None of the others will take advantage of his innocence, and life is all about balance… so… it’s the right thing to do if we balance things out by exploiting his innocence.”

Anastasia flashed a thumbs-up to Lucy. “Exactly. I mean… goodness, the floor is just so slippery, isn’t it?” She then obviously acted like she was about to fall only to gently lean over and bonk her forehead against Lucy’s. “Oh no, it would appear that we both forgot how to balance because we hit our heads.”

Lucy’s cheeks went red during that due to how close Anastasia’s face was to hers, and that caused her to remember some of the activities they got up to in private. Then, when a couple of teens skated by them at full speed, they surprised her. This caused her to jump, trip, and crash into Anastasia.

A short fall later that seemed like something straight out of a manga and Anastasia was on her back with Lucy on top of her, one leg between the taller woman’s legs with her knee pressed up against her crotch, and her hands gripping onto Anastasia’s breasts to keep herself up as their lips were only inches apart.

The two women forgot all about their plan to exploit Kris’s innocence as they instead found themselves only able to think of each other’s lips.

“What… are they doing?” Iris asked Emily as the two looked at their fallen friends.

“Hmm… maybe they hit their heads and forgot how to stand back up? I don’t know why else they’d be staying down,” Rachel answered.

The duo’s attention was then stolen by the sound of others on the other side of the rink crashing. Though, this time, it was not Emily failing and falling to the ground. It was a group of teenage boys who tripped over one another because they were all too distracted by the sight of Anastasia and Lucy.

“I don’t like how those children are looking at them,” Iris said.

Rachel nodded in agreement. “Same.”

It was a peaceful day in the rink. People of all ages were happily skating by, and now a group of teenage boys got to enjoy the sight of two beautiful women on top of each other.

But then an overwhelming aura took over.

The rest of the maids may have been distracted for various reasons, but Iris and Rachel were not.

And no matter how innocent they might have been… they were still Alice’s maids.

Whether they were in a game or reality, Alice’s maids were a force to be reckoned with, and they both glared at the teenagers with intent to thoroughly punish them.

It wouldn’t be the enjoyable kind of punishment, either.

The boys noticed the duo glaring at them, nearly wet themselves from fear, and then scrambled to get up and leave the rink.

It was all because of a couple of maids staring at them.

Several of the other women nearby who saw what happened looked on at Rachel and Iris with eyes full of admiration, wishing to develop such an incredible power for themselves.

The terrifying glares came to an end when a young girl skated by the women while wearing a rather fluffy sweater with a bunny design on it.

That was enough to make Iris almost squeal.

Rachel wanted to tease Iris about the look of awe in her eyes, but she resisted. Instead, she made sure to keep on glaring at those teens until they were out of sight so that Iris could enjoy watching the adorable girl without worry.

For a lover of cute and fluffy things, there was no greater sight at the moment than that girl.

Meanwhile, Abigail still skated around the rink without any issues, swerving around any and everybody who might have been in her way. Some people tried to call out to her in praise, but their words fell on literally deaf ears, so she skated in peace as if she was the only one in there without any distractions.

Eventually, though… despite Iris’s purely wholesome intentions, the girl’s parents left with her after being disturbed by how much Iris was watching her.

That was one of the worst moments in Iris’s entire life.

It also made her Kris’s girlfriend most intent on having children so that she could dress up her own children in such adorable clothes.


Later, after leaving the rink, the group casually walked down the street without any real destination in mind. They would surely figure something out along the way. The most important thing was that they were spending time together.

“So, what’d you all think of skating?” Kris asked them.

“It was fun!” Rachel answered. “I think I’m pretty bad at it, but I’d love to go again and get better.”

Iris nodded. “I feel the same, though… I still feel pain over my loss.”

“What loss?” Kris asked.

“My forbidden daughter.”

“Your forbidden daughter?”

Rachel cut in and said, “Don’t worry about her, she’s just being silly.”

Anastasia then spoke up to say, “I enjoyed it as well. Lucy was quite the excellent teacher.”

Lucy rubbed the back of her head when she heard that. “Hehe. I like skating, so I’m glad to help others out! Besides,” she paused to lower her voice enough for the others to struggle hearing her, “it was a good excuse for holding hands.”

Then there was Emily. “Life feels rigged against me.”

“How is it rigged?” Kris asked.

Emily looked down at her chest and sighed. “Because my genes decided it would be funny to try turning me into a cow. I swear I’m getting them chopped off.”

Rachel cut in again to say, “All you need is a sports bra.”

“You realize those barely work for me, right? Sure, they help, but they can only do so much without making me feel like I’m suffocating.”

“Maybe we should try weighing you down. Like… if you wear super heavy skates! Or maybe wear a really heavy belt!”

“I’m not sure if that wold work, but maybe.”

As for Abigail, since she was walking at Kris’s side with one arm looped around his, she typed out a message on her phone for him to read which said, “That was so fun! I really enjoyed that. Thank you for taking us there. I am also very interested in roller derby now. I will have to look more into it and see whether or not it exists back home. Though, if it does not, that will be all the more reason to move over here sooner rather than later!”

Kris would have taken her phone to type a response back to her as reading his lips would be too difficult in that situation, but Lucy was already holding onto his other arm. All he could really reply with then in that case was a nod of his head.

Furthermore, as they walked along the street, there were plenty of others who faced the terrifying glares of Rachel. Perhaps it was because of a heightened awareness due to what happened earlier, but she noticed everybody who dared look in their direction with anything other than pure intent, but that intent never survived more than a second of Rachel’s intensity.

Despite often being viewed as the most “normal” of the maids, there was nobody with a meaner glare than her.


The rest of the day was filled with more dates. They stopped by local hotspots, visited a few tourist locations, got Indian food, watched and listened to street performers—by the time the sun went down, they were exhausted from spending all day out and about.

Each subsequent day turned out to be just as exhausting for the most part, much to the confusion of some of them.

Whether they were out all day or having a lazy day inside, they still ended up being equally exhausted by the end of it.

None of them realized that they were basically emotionally exhausting themselves from just constantly being in a state of pure happiness.

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